Search for oracle objects in unix scripts with specific name. On Unix: 1. Search script with "prm_" in the text: find . -name '*' -print | xargs grep -i 'prm_' > /tmp/all_files On Client 2. Copy file (with winscp) to local dir. 3. Remove all 'binary shit' lines 4. Create on Oracle some table with a clob field (table prm_clob, with 2 fields t0(varchar2(10)) and t1(clob)). 5. Copy all content of the all_files (with toad) into this Oracle table (t1 as clob and t0 as 'some descriptive value'). 6. Create a table type for storing varchar2 values (in this example varchar2(500) is used. Use a size as you like. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE PRM.prm_jka_nt_array as table of varchar2(500) 7. Create a function in which a clob can be read line by line (I've created a package function) CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PRM.prm_jka_clob AS -- Public Package Procedures en Functions function clob_as_lines(p_cursor in sys_refcursor) return prm_jka_nt_array pipelined; END prm_jka_clob; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PRM.prm_jka_clob AS function clob_as_lines(p_cursor in sys_refcursor) return prm_jka_nt_array pipelined is l_clob clob; l_pos number := 1; -- Current position in the file (file begins at position 1) l_sum binary_integer := 0; -- Amount of characters have been read l_buf varchar2(500); -- Read Buffer l_end number; -- End of the current word which will be read begin fetch p_cursor into l_clob; if (p_cursor%notfound) then close p_cursor; raise no_data_found; end if; close p_cursor; if (dbms_lob.isopen(l_clob) != 1) then, 0); end if; loop -- Calculate the end of the current word l_end := dbms_lob.instr(l_clob ,chr(10) ,l_pos ,1); -- Process end-of-file if (l_end = 0) then l_end := length(l_clob); l_sum := l_end - l_pos + 1; if l_sum > 0 then ,l_sum ,l_pos ,l_buf); l_buf := rtrim(l_buf, chr(13)); pipe row (l_buf); end if; exit; end if; -- Read until end-of-file l_sum := l_end - l_pos; ,l_sum ,l_pos ,l_buf); l_buf := rtrim(rtrim(l_buf, chr(10)), chr(13)); pipe row (l_buf); l_pos := l_pos + l_sum + 1; end loop; if (dbms_lob.isopen(l_clob) = 1) then dbms_lob.close(l_clob); end if; end clob_as_lines; END prm_jka_clob; 8. Now let Oracle do some regexp thingies to match any object in the unix-grep output. declare cursor c_objects is select object_name from all_objects where owner = 'PRM'; type t_objects is table of c_objects%rowtype index by binary_integer; a_objects t_objects; cursor c_clob is SELECT column_value FROM TABLE(prm_jka_clob.clob_as_lines(CURSOR(SELECT t1 FROM prm_clob where t0=1))); type t_clob is table of c_clob%rowtype index by binary_integer; a_clob t_clob; l_found boolean; l_object varchar2(100); begin --collect all objects for comparing open c_objects; fetch c_objects bulk collect into a_objects; close c_objects; --collect the values from the clob. every line is a single array record now open c_clob; fetch c_clob bulk collect into a_clob; close c_clob; -- loop through the clob lines -- layout of the line is output from the unix grep command: [file name]:[matching string] for i in 1..a_clob.count loop l_found := false; l_object := null; -- for every line loop through comparing object names for j in 1..a_objects.count loop -- if an (regeular expression wise) object name (from c_objects) is is found in the clob-string-line then 'bingo' l_found := regexp_like(regexp_replace(a_clob(i).column_value,'(^.*):(.*)$','\2'),a_objects(j).object_name,'i'); if l_found then --found, so store the object l_object := a_objects(j).object_name; -- exit the j-loop exit; end if; end loop; -- outside the loop, something has been found, so report it as csv line: [filename];[object_name];[line context] -- use a simple regexp_replace for selecting the grep output part before (\1) the double-point and after (\2). if l_found then dbms_output.put_line(regexp_replace(a_clob(i).column_value,'(^.*):(.*)$','\1')||';'||l_object||';"'''||regexp_replace(a_clob(i).column_value,'(^.*):(.*)$','\2')||'"'); end if; end loop; end;